Well, yesterday we found a new hatchling, dubbed Donny. I am beginning to get an inkling as to how Mrs. Osmond felt. O.k. that's 3 now...god help us. They are pink and healthy looking, big black bug eyes...really quite ugly if you think too much about it. What makes them cute is their size. I've taken some video, but darned if I can get it to upload. That's been frustrating.
Lumpy has found a new passion. Soy milk. He gets a little bowl of it every day, ever since Holly gave him a bit and he went crazy for it...what a nut house I live in...but you knew that.
Not much else new. I'll keep you posted, actually you probably won't hear from me again until Monday, so in the meantime, I wish all of you a great weekend.
Take care

It took me a long time to "get it" about raising the new hatchlings as Mormons. Guess I should stop reading my fav blogs too early in the morning. Have a good weekend, lovebirds and all.
Hey Forsythia, I hope you had a great weekend.
I'll post soon, (tonight or tomorrow) I'm feeling really tired from the drive home.
Take care
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