I finally received my pd catheter in my belly so that once it heals, I will be able to do my own dialysis at home..hooray!
I am so sick, already, of having to get up at 5:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and making the 1 and 1/2 hour trek to Ottawa...ugh. On the other hand, I don't want to seem too ungrateful that I can go to dialysis to stay alive. But it will be so much better when I can do it at home.
Now I have 2 big tubes sticking out of me..strange.
Anyway, otherwise, I'm doing pretty good, I think.
It was my birthday on Friday, it's been like a three day long celebration this year. On Friday I went to dialysis, (car problems on Thursday), and then NIA hubby, Holly and I went to this terrific buffet that I love where I got my meal free because it was it was my birthday. Fun!
Just before I left for dialysis, my front door burst
open and in came my beautiful grandchildren, full of happy birthdays and presents and flowers. It was wonderful and totally made my day. I must say, my grandchildren are about the most loving kids I've ever met. It was so nice.
Yesterday, my NIA hubby and I went to dinner by ourselves, kind of a date night, and then we came home and watched some dvds together. My favorite place to be...home with hubby. But I was very tired and went to bed about 11p.m.
Now today, we have my birthday bar-b-que, which has become a bit of a tradition for any family birthday. That means we all get together and have a good time and it will be even nicer with the addition of Holly's boyfriend, Matilda. Well, that's what we call him...lol.
By the way, it is also Holly and Matilda's 2 year anniversary. My goodness, time does fly. It may be 2 years, but I knew the first week that Matilda was 'the one' for Holly.
Once my pd catheter heals, I will need to go to Ottawa and spend a week there to learn how to use it. I hope it will be soon.
Take care!